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Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Do's and Don'ts for Looking Smart

By Robin Chung,We all love to look smart but let's face it most of us aren't. There are lots of reasons you'd want to look smart. Maybe you just want to impress that guy sitting next to you. Or, and more likely, you just want to be respected and accepted into a group. No matter the reason, here are a couple of tricks that make you look smart.
Do give opinions
Often in a business meeting or just a talk in the park, different personalities emerge. There's always that quiet guy, the talkative guy (talks nonsense) and the guy with the smart remarks. You need to be the latter. Just share your thoughts and opinions about the different subjects.
And when you do, stick with your initial thoughts. Insecure or less intelligent people are more likely to change opinions, so stick with it. Even consider acting baffled by the opinions of others, and never ever give in. If you want the conversation to end simply say: "I respect your opinion, but it isn't mine."
Don'ts over think
This might seem silly but let me explain. Some people over think, heck I'm one of them. I always think about stuff like, what will they think about this? Or what's the most favorable way to describing situation A? The problem with this is that your mind needs to work overtime, which leaves less time to put on an act or react fast in the spur of the moment. Therefore you can't be the quick and opinionated self that makes you look smart.
Do dress and talk appropriately
When coming across smart, unfortunately, you have to dull yourself down a little. Let's face it, people we consider smart often wear suits and talk completely clean and spotless. No street talk, and no clothes that make you look twice as wide. Instead buy nice clothes and learn to speak clean and fast, without overemphasizing it! Also consider exercising and eating healthier foods. Study shows that university folks eat healthier than say high school graduates.
Don't say stupid things
It's important not to say things that are factually wrong. So don't say that the iPhone came out in 2004, while it came out in 2007. You could however stress that the model that came out was a bit premature feature wise. See the difference here? The first claim is simply wrong and the second one is an opinion.
Follow these pointers and you should look smart in no time. That's great because it sets something off to your surroundings that you might like. Intelligent people are often seen as successful, rich and happy. But don't loose your social skills; otherwise it could backfire and set you back to status "nutty professor" without the brain. Good luck!  Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com

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